We are currently monitoring the weather with the Office of Emergency Preparedness and with the surrounding school districts. Reports are still unclear on the potential weather threat for overnight and tomorrow morning. Once a decision is made, we will use all of our social media and communication methods to let you know of the district's decision. Please be patient and understanding as we wait for guidance from the weather experts.
about 2 years ago, Thomas Byler
Menus for the month of December have now been posted to the website.
about 2 years ago, Thomas Byler
As a reminder so that necessary arrangements can be made, Vermilion Parish School System will be closed on Monday, November 7th and Tuesday, November 8th for Fall Break and Election Day. In addition, the Thanksgiving Break is just around the corner. Schools and central office will be closed on November 21st through November 25th.
over 2 years ago, Thomas Byler
Monday is the official state mandated parent/teacher conference day for Vermilion Parish schools. Students do not have school. Specific details on the schedule of your child's school should have been given out by the individual school.
over 2 years ago, Thomas Byler
Tomorrow is the beginning of the second nine weeks of school. Report Cards are set to go home on Friday, October 21st. Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Monday, October 24th.
over 2 years ago, Thomas Byler
Reminders: October Menus now posted on the Menus Button of Webpages. Quarter 2 Virtual Vermilion Registration for grades 6-12 opens Monday for those who qualify. K-3 Virtual Day #1 is Monday, October 3rd. See Picture for more info
over 2 years ago, Thomas Byler
Homecoming visitation for Erath Middle will be Friday, October 7, 2022 from 10:10-11:00 am. More EMS information will be coming soon. As with Erath High and Dozier Elementary, a safety protocol is in place. Tickets or sign in (that day) will be required. Alumni (Visitors) will be able to come pick up visitation tickets for Homecoming Monday, October 3rd, 2022. If someone can’t come, the alumni coordinator can pick it up for them. You may call the school if you have questions.
over 2 years ago, Stacy Bodin
Menus for the month of September can now be found on the VPSS Websites.
over 2 years ago, Thomas Byler
Check out our Back to School Day 1 Review. https://youtu.be/D-Le40EiB7A
over 2 years ago, Thomas Byler
BTS Video
The link to August menus is now available on the vpsb.net homepage. Click the August Menus button.
over 2 years ago, Thomas Byler
The link to the August VPSS Menus are now available. Go to vpsb.net and click August Menus on the home page. The link is also listed below. /o/vpsd/page/breakfast-and-lunch-menus
over 2 years ago, Thomas Byler
The VPSS Bus Routes as of Tuesday are located on the Homepage of the website. Click the Bus Routes button for information.
over 2 years ago, Thomas Byler
Bus Routes
over 2 years ago, Stacy Bodin
Newsletter August 22
REMINDER TO ALL PARENTS, GUARDIANS, and STUDENTS. We are still adding information under our menu bar. This is an important part of our website! We have all our Important News for 2022-2023 under our Menu Bar on the school website. Go to the main page and look at the TOP of the page and then click "Menu". It will bring you to the section with all updates, documents, etc. (At this time, not all documents are in place now. Keep checking back!) https://vermilionparishla.sites.thrillshare.com/o/ems
over 2 years ago, Stacy Bodin
Main Menu Bar
Erath Middle 2022-2023 Fall News and Links https://vermilionparishla.sites.thrillshare.com/o/ems/article/752699 NOTE: All items below and more are in the Parent Corner under the “Menu” bar at the top right corner on the main page. Erath Middle 2022-2023 Fall News and Links 2022 Orientation Parent Letter (Has date, time, fees, and fall information) See @ https://vermilionparishla.sites.thrillshare.com/o/ems/page/2022-orientation-for-ems-students Student’s first day will be August 11, 2022. -New student registration will be held on July 29th from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM. -Mandatory Orientation- Student/Parent Orientations held in the EMS GYM. Parents do not need to attend with 7th and 8th grade students. Parents of 6th grade students must attend orientation with their student. 6th Grade-Tuesday, August 2nd 6:00 PM (For students and parents!) ***7th Grade-Tuesday, August 2nd 1:00 PM (Students only) 8th Grade- Tuesday, August 2nd 9:00 AM (Students only) NO MONEY WILL BE COLLECTED AT ORIENTATION. If you were not able to pay fees yet, you may stop and pay fees now that the office will reopen this week. Call the office if you have questions. Checks must be made out to Erath Middle School. Please write your child’s name on the bottom of the check. Thank you! 1. Planner and ID/lanyard/pouch- $20.00 2. PE uniforms- Collected in PE class once school starts. 3. Uniform t-shirts- purchased amount -Students will pick up their 2022-2023 academic schedules at ORIENTATION!!!!!! -All ID AND PLANNER FEES must be paid prior to the start of school. (If you need assistance with this please call Ms. Primeaux at 937-4441 beginning July 25th) -EMS PE Uniforms are Mandatory. Each student must purchase a PE uniform. If the uniform from last year still fits your child can use it for this year. -6th grade students must provide a completed domicile form in addition to an electric bill and one other proof of residency, (Filed Homestead Exemption Application Form, Apartment or house lease receipt or documentation providing ownership, Water bill, or Gas bill) -EMS PTO/SIC Spirit Shirts will be ready for pick up if you placed your order before JUNE 3, 2022. -Students can wear 2022-2023 shirts ONLY in lieu of uniform shirts Monday-Friday with uniform bottoms. Order forms were sent home with students prior to the end of school and have been posted on the school website. Additional orders will be taken at orientation and the second order will be placed after SEPTEMBER 1st. 2022-2023 School Supply Lists https://vermilionparishla.sites.thrillshare.com/o/ems/page/2022-2023-school-supply-lists 2022-2023 New Student Registration https://vermilionparishla.sites.thrillshare.com/o/ems/page/new-student-registration Shirt Orders https://vermilionparishla.sites.thrillshare.com/o/ems/article/735590
over 2 years ago, Stacy Bodin
Reminder: Orientation 2022 News: Dear Parents and Students, We are looking forward to another outstanding school year. Student’s first day will be August 11, 2022. ●New student registration will be held on July 29th from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM. ●Mandatory Orientation- Student/Parent Orientations held in the EMS GYM. Parents do not need to attend with 7th and 8th grade students. Parents of 6th grade students must attend orientation with their student. 6th Grade-Tuesday, August 2nd 6:00 PM (For students and parents!) ***7th Grade-Tuesday, August 2nd 1:00 PM (Students only) 8th Grade- Tuesday, August 2nd 9:00 AM (Students only) NO MONEY WILL BE COLLECTED AT ORIENTATION. If you were not able to pay fees yet, you may stop and pay fees now that the office will reopen this week. Call the office if you have questions. Checks must be made out to Erath Middle School. Please write your child’s name on the bottom of the check. Thank you! 1. Planner and ID/lanyard/pouch- $20.00 2. PE uniforms- Collected in PE class once school starts. 3. Uniform t-shirts- purchased amount ●Students will pick up their 2022-2023 academic schedules at ORIENTATION!!!!!! ●All ID AND PLANNER FEES must be paid prior to the start of school. (If you need assistance with this please call Ms. Primeaux at 937-4441 beginning July 25th) ●EMS PE Uniforms are Mandatory. Each student must purchase a PE uniform. If the uniform from last year still fits your child can use it for this year. ●6th grade students must provide a completed domicile form in addition to an electric bill and one other proof of residency, (Filed Homestead Exemption Application Form, Apartment or house lease receipt or documentation providing ownership, Water bill, or Gas bill) ●EMS PTO/SIC Spirit Shirts will be ready for pick up if you placed your order before JUNE 3, 2022. ●Students can wear 2022-2023 shirts ONLY in lieu of uniform shirts Monday-Friday with uniform bottoms. Order forms were sent home with students prior to the end of school and have been posted on the school website. Additional orders will be taken at orientation and the second order will be placed after SEPTEMBER 1st.
over 2 years ago, Stacy Bodin
Dear Parents and Students, We are looking forward to another outstanding school year. Student’s first day will be August 11, 2022.  ●New student registration will be held on July 29th from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM. ●Mandatory Orientation- Student/Parent Orientations held in the EMS GYM. Parents do not need to attend with 7th and 8th grade students. Parents of 6th grade students must attend orientation with their student. 6th Grade-Tuesday, August 2nd 6:00 PM (For students and parents!) ***7th Grade-Tuesday, August 2nd 1:00 PM (Students only) 8th Grade- Tuesday, August 2nd 9:00 AM (Students only) NO MONEY WILL BE COLLECTED AT ORIENTATION.  If you were not able to pay fees yet, you may stop and pay fees now that the office will reopen this week. Call the office if you have questions. Checks must be made out to Erath Middle School. Please write your child’s name on the bottom of the check. Thank you! 1. Planner and ID/lanyard/pouch- $20.00 2. PE uniforms- Collected in PE class once school starts. 3. Uniform t-shirts- purchased amount ●Students will pick up their 2022-2023 academic schedules at ORIENTATION!!!!!! ●All ID AND PLANNER FEES must be paid prior to the start of school. (If you need assistance with this please call Ms. Primeaux at 937-4441 beginning July 25th) ●EMS PE Uniforms are Mandatory. Each student must purchase a PE uniform. If the uniform from last year still fits your child can use it for this year. ●6th grade students must provide a completed domicile form in addition to an electric bill and one other proof of residency, (Filed Homestead Exemption Application Form, Apartment or house lease receipt or documentation providing ownership, Water bill, or Gas bill) ●EMS PTO/SIC Spirit Shirts will be ready for pick up if you placed your order before JUNE 3, 2022. ●Students can wear 2022-2023 shirts ONLY in lieu of uniform shirts Monday-Friday with uniform bottoms. Order forms were sent home with students prior to the end of school and have been posted on the school website. Additional orders will be taken at orientation and the second order will be placed after SEPTEMBER 1st.
Results from the LEAP exams for students in grades 3-8 are now posted on the parent command center for your child. It could take some time to get all uploaded, but it should be there in the next day or two. If not please reach out to the school at which your child tested.
over 2 years ago, Thomas Byler
Week of July 11-15, 2022 at Erath Middle IMPORTANT CHANGE!!!!! Due to electrical issues the location has changed!!!! Fees will be paid in the SPEECH ROOM! Enter the semi circle and follow the signs. -7th Grade Fee Day will be Tuesday, July 12, 2022, from 10am - 2pm at Erath Middle School. This is to pay for student ID's and planners. NO money will be accepted at Orientation! -6th Grade Fee Day will be Wednesday, July 13, 2022, from 10am - 2pm at Erath Middle School. This is to pay for student ID's and planners. NO money will be accepted at Orientation! If you are not able to make your scheduled date you may come pay fees either day. The office will officially open again at our normal hours of 7:00 - 2:30 July 26th.
over 2 years ago, Stacy Bodin
State Accountability Survey open for input. https://form.jotform.com/221796521454055 Please consider filling out the survey.
over 2 years ago, Thomas Byler
Please click the link for summer update from the Superintendent. https://youtu.be/ksDzRtGG6cM
over 2 years ago, Thomas Byler